This site was created by the Israeli geek duo Gilly Barr & Gil Cohen.
They both share the same enthusiasm towards the interwebs and their number one goal in life is to make the world a better place (by using their high class humor).
Gil decided to be born just as he heard about the creation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He grew up watching cartoons and they watched him silently while he was sleeping.
Today, he spends most of his time looking for bubbles and painting flying eggplants on anything that moves (slower than him).
You can see his art at: or on instagram @flying_eggplant
Gilly was born over 600 years ago, but was so disapointed the internet wasn't invented yet, he decided to be unborn and come back when the world was ready for him.
He's a true geek, secretly living a double life - by day he tries to make people laugh by building silly websites, by night - he doesn't.
You can contact them at : MansionOfAwesome [at] (Google's e-mail service) [.com]
Because what else is there to do in the 21st century?
Paste a youtube url to see how much time humanity wasted on it

Hey dumbass! That's not a real youtube url!